
Welcome to Daliah

Menopause can be a time of personal liberation where we emerge wiser, healthier and ultimately stronger in mind and body. Menopause can also be a time of confusion and anxiety if women are not well informed, supported and equipped to deal with the changes they may experience on their journey.

Menopause Symptoms

Manage your Symptoms and get back in control of your body.

Most women will experience changes in their sex drive during menopause. This can be caused by hormones, mood and physical changes – all working together to impact your libido.

A combination of hormonal changes, as well as other menopause symptoms, can drain every ounce of energy from you. Its one of the most common menopause symptoms. There is help.

Pants feeling a littler tighter than usual? Can’t explain where the extra kilo’s have come from? You’re still working out, eating healthily but the scale says its not helping. So what now?

We are here to support you.

You can transition menopause positively.

Menopause facts & advice

A supportive community of South African women

Menopause friendly workplaces

Get menopause health advice, support & treatment

Menopause Services & Training for Organisations

Menopause Conversations

Menopause Toolkits

Menopause Events

Menopause Policies

Menopause Training

Join our community unmuting the menopause conversation

Menopause Champions

Menopause Champions empower and equip others through coaching and mentoring, in groups or one-to-one. Be part of our growing community that equips women to thrive.

Menopause Experts

Menopause Advocates

Menopause Advocates will work with us to lobby for greater support for menopause in society and in organisations as well as mobilising initiatives that can change the status quo of menopause.

Latest News

We’ll keep sharing news and information on how to manage the symptoms associated with menopause. Sign up for the Daliah Digest newsletter, to stay informed, equipped and supported through your journey.

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